System Council 16 2nd quarter report 2021
Second Quarter 2021 Report to the Members of System Council 16
Dear Members,
I will open the Second Quarter Report with terrible news. On Wednesday, July 14, 2021,
Springfield, MO, Telecommunications Department, Electronic Technician, David Gold,
succumbed to complications from COVID-19. David had over 30 years of service and
will be missed by all who knew him.
Previously, we tragically lost Local 452, President, Joshua Baumgardner to a vehicle
accident. Josh was an Electrician at BNSF’s Mechanical Facility in Galesburg, IL. Josh
will also be greatly missed, and we thank him for his service to the Local and the IBEW.
National Negotiations remain stagnant with the Carriers still dragging their feet on a
counterproposal to the Organizations Section 6 requests. The next session scheduled
in August will be held in-person. Hopefully, this will speed up the process.
Negotiations on the Evansville and Western Railroad has come to an impasse. We were
successful in filing for Mediation and will have a session in September.
MRL negotiations are ongoing and there is hope that there will be a new contract by the
end of the year.
All other Properties with expired contracts are waiting to see what happens at the
National Level.
Any BNSF Members working on former ATSF Territory should report to this office any
PTC work being done by the Signal Department. As of this writing, the Council has
recovered nearly $14,000 in claims in Oklahoma and Colorado.
The National Mediation Board has released funding for arbitration, and we have
hearings scheduled with BNSF and CN.
BNSF’s Interbay Mechanical Facility has furloughed 7 Electricians. This is due to a
disturbing new initiative that the Carrier is implementing called Mobile Maintenance
Strategy. BNSF is moving 6 of the positions to Spokane, WA and Pasco, WA where
they will conduct locomotive inspections remotely. This is all possible thanks to a
waiver given to BNSF by the FRA allowing them to forego traction motor inspections on
92-day maintenances. We are supplying information to Railroad Department Director,
Al Russo, who is working with the IBEW’S Political Affairs Department to petition the
FRA to rescind the Waiver.
CN is recalling many furloughed Mechanical Electricians and is planning to hire several
more in some locations.
In closing, the railroad business is returning to near pre-Covid levels, and I hope that all
of our furloughed members are recalled soon.
Jeff Allred
General Chairman
System Council 16 – IBEW
Attachments: Financial and Travel Reports
Full document available for download below: