Members that need to update their address can read how to here
If you have moved and provided a new address to the company you work for you are only half done. The company won't change your address...
To All Local Unions with Members Covered Under National Negotiations:
Sisters and Brothers, Yesterday International Representative Jeff Burk, System Council 9 General Chairman JJ Giuliano, and I resumed...
To All Local Unions with Members Covered Under National Bargaining
To All Local Unions with Members Covered Under National Bargaining: Dear Sisters and Brothers, Attached please find a bargaining update...
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update
National Freight Railroads Bargaining Update February 16, 2018 IBEW Members Reject Railroad Tentative National Agreement Mediation to...
this is just an example
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Brothers and Sisters: This office has been advised that in preparation for the implementation of "Positive Train Control" in September of...