Dear Member, Open Enrollment in the NEW IBEW Railroad Long-Term Voluntary Disability Plan Has Been Extended until Friday December 13th....
Voluntary life insurance for IBEW members
For a limited time you can sign up for Supplemental Disability and life insurance. End of enrollment is 11/30/2019. Head over to the...
Appeals court says railway liable for $5M verdict
The Missouri Court of Appeals Southern District on June 25 affirmed a jury verdict of more than $5 million for a railroad worker injured...
IRAP Mobilization
Dear Sisters and Brothers: By a letter dated June 26, 2019, I notified you of the Department of Labor’s Industry Recognized...
Using Vacation while on a Medical Leave Of Absence
A question was raised regarding the ability to use vacation, day at a time/week at a time, while on an approved Medical Leave of Absence....
Cell Phone Use At Work
Sisters and Brothers, Recently a few questions have been raised about railroad employees using their cell phones while at work, and the...
Rail Labor Bargaining Update
Getting all parties together is difficult, but they are still trying. The belief is that bargaining from a unified position is in the...
Nominations for IBEW Local 757 will be at the meeting in April.
Transportation Trades Department) News Release
Sisters and Brothers, Good evening and hope all is well. Below please find an AFL-CIO “TTD (Transportation Trades Department) News...
Election Judge Webinar
March 6, 2019 VIA EMAIL To: All IBEW Local Union Business Managers in the United States and Canada Re: Election Judge Webinar Dear...